
The various committees I participate in at 菠菜网lol正规平台


# Committee Name Level Role
1 CoS Anti-Racism committee College  Member
2 Systems and Architecture (SA) Committee Department Chair 
3 Executive Committee Department Member
4 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee Department Member


Other Services

1   CS department Advising
2 Peer Connections Faculty Advisory Board
3 Judge for the Synopsys Outreach Foundation ACSEF (Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair)
4 Advisor for Yoga and Meditation Group/Club at 菠菜网lol正规平台
5 Advisor for Hindu Student Council/Group/Club at 菠菜网lol正规平台
6 TPC for VTC2022-Spring: Helsinki, Track Green Communications and Networks
7 TPC of ICCCI 2022 


CS Department Advising

  • Find your advisor here. If the last 2 digits of your Student ID# is between 54-63, then I am your assigned advisor for BSCS.
  • Find information on CS Advising here
  • Undergraduate forms can be found here



Services I participated in at SKKU, South Korea


International Student Advisor of Ethically different students at SKKU
Counsellor of diverse International Students from ethnically different background
Chair of Indian Student Association
Coordinator of Developing International Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Coordinator of MoU for Dual-degree programs with world-famous Universities 
Coordinator of MoU for Faculty Exchange and Student Exchange
Administrative works for internal project management in the University
Special Guidance for UG and Graduate Students
Training UG and graduate students for government scholarship programs
Organized department sponsored: Multi cultural student workshop; Poster & video competitions; Multi cultural food events; Multi cultural sports day