Rona Halualani

Rona Halualani

Department of Communication Studies


ORCID: 0009-0000-2620-1781

Current Research Activities

What is the nature of intercultural contact between culturally different persons in different environments (neighborhood, churches, schools, business)?

How do individuals racially identify in different contexts?

How do we experience microaggressions?

What is the quantity and quality of intercultural interaction among culturally different group members? In what ways? To what extent do these dynamics differ depending on the specific interacting groups (by age, generation, race/ethnicity)?

How do university and college instructors incorporate diversity in their classrooms?

How do diasporic cultural members shape and remake their identities in various sites of settlement away from the homeland?


Research Connections to Current Events

菠菜网lol正规平台 has provided me with so much support to continue and build new research lines. I have gained the use of helpful software, technology, and the assistance of fantastic graduate students along the way. In addition, 菠菜网lol正规平台 has provided me with research start up funds, equipment funds, and reassigned time to do the work. I also am able to secure funding for graduate assistants to join me in these projects. I would not be able to have my research career without 菠菜网lol正规平台 in this way.