Campus Partners

UROP has several interdisciplinary and interoffice partnerships across campus. 

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI): UROP is funded and housed in ODEI. The Office plays an integral role in providing administrative support, facilitating hiring processes, supporting faculty mentors and the program director, among other important programmatic tasks. UROP centers ODEI’s mission to encourage “civic and communal responsibility for diversity, equity, and inclusion for its students, faculty, staff, and administrators” as a guiding principle in all aspects of its program development.

Lurie College of Education: The Program’s year-long, 4-unit curriculum is housed in the Lurie College of Education, Department of Educational Leadership (EDLD). EDLD’s emphasis on preparing equity and justice-oriented leaders is a central component of our UROP model, and course foundations are built upon this emancipatory ethos. The course curriculum is based around four primary principles: (1) introduction to research; (2) professional development; (3) critical consciousness; and (4) communicating research and scholarly impact. The College of Education also hosts the annual Lurie College Showcase event each spring semester, where UROP students and mentors present their culminating research projects.

Peer Connections: During the program, UROP students are assigned a peer mentor via 菠菜网lol正规平台 Peer Connections to help them find a research project, prepare them for faculty interviews, and explain expectations and responsibilities of the program. Peer mentors serve as a liaison to facilitate communication between the UROP director/course instructor, students, and faculty mentors. Additionally, peer mentors meet monthly with students to discuss time management, communication with faculty mentors, help prepare abstracts and posters, and help with transition issues such as academics, roommate concerns, referrals, or navigating key offices on campus.

Division of Research and Innovation: UROP partners with the Division of Research and Innovation during the annual Celebration of Research each spring. The capstone event celebrates undergraduate and graduate students and their groundbreaking work taking place across 菠菜网lol正规平台; UROP students have a dedicated platform to showcase their collaborative research at the event.

Career Center: UROP works collaboratively with the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Career Center to develop career exploration workshops and professional development curriculum to support current students and program alumni. The Center also helps facilitate partnerships with UROP students and local professionals across diverse sectors and industries.